Thursday, June 1, 2017

Graduation Walk

by Stephanie Worthley

Last spring, I saw this story online about a high school in Texas starting a new tradition, The Senior Walk. The purpose at this event at Van High School in Texas was to inspire younger students to aim for college after graduation. The 150 seniors at Van High School walked through the halls in their caps and gowns as elementary and middle school students cheered them on. When I saw this I thought, “We HAVE to do this in Medfield.”

So today, Thursday, June 1st, was the first Graduation Walk through the Medfield Public Schools. The 218 graduating seniors walked the halls of Blake Middle School, Wheelock, Memorial, and the Dale St. School. Students and teachers lined the hallways and cheered for our seniors as they walked with pride through the halls. Students made signs of congratulations and gave high-fives to the seniors as they walked by. Teachers had class photos from elementary years and gave a lot of hugs to these young adults who were once small children in their classes. A student found his hand prints up in the Dale St cafeteria from 2004! And one student commented that it must be grilled cheese day at Memorial!

Thanks, Class of 2017, for taking this walk down memory lane today. You have made quite an impression on the younger students in the district, and your teachers couldn’t be prouder! Congratulations Class of 2017!

Check out a brief video slideshow of the Graduation Walk here:

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